Hi, I’m Sinead.

Welcome to my website. 

I started writing blogs on LinkedIn in 2020 to share ideas, inspiration and book reviews. Since then, I have received lots of supportive feedback.  

This gave me the courage to create a website and a monthly newsletter with the aim of spreading motivation, inspiration and encouragement.  

I really enjoy writing these posts and I hope you enjoy reading them.  




Belief Building June 2024

In Ireland, June heralds the start of holiday season as schools close and the weather improves (we hope), we think about taking a break from work and catching up on all those things we have been meaning to get to. If you are hoping to create a reset for yourself this summer, you might take some…

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Belief Building May 2024

May is a beautiful month of growth. There are beech trees near where I live and they start the month as dry branches with brown, crepey, curled-up leaves. They end the month with soft, unfurled, green leaves, that are so lush and abundant, the branches are hidden. Nature doesn’t resist change, but sometimes we do.…

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Belief Building April 2024

For the last couple of months, this newsletter hasn’t had the time dedicated to it that I would have liked. I was busy and thought once I finish tasks x and y, I’ll have more opportunity to work on the newsletter.  In February and March, the newsletter writing was definitely a rush job. Fittingly, the topic that I want to cover this…

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